"A Thousand Reasons" is one of the recurring themes, back 2005 in Carnival Insane, the first CD of a Second Too , but I think they are a bit less that made the night of August 22 was simply unforgettable.
is that everything was planned so that it will be: presentation of 3 long awaited second album, the touch in a place unaccustomed to size bands such as The End is in Flores, and Justice had been done

So just stand in front of the stage to seek and find Garelli Gustavo (vocals), Hugo Caeiro and Andrew Muente (guitars), Claudio Comparin (bass), Maxi Caballero ( drums), Ivan Ponce (harmonica, vocals) and Federico Aguilar (percussion) to take charge of unleashing their own way, a real party.
And apparently they were "Finding the same" , because with that theme for his latest album, almost as if asking permission to each of the persons who had reached Flores that night, they opened a show lasted about 2 hours with 27 songs on the setlist .
After the public has given them the OK, 1 Second ... not stop 1 second (sic) and attacked dye themed holiday as "Mr. Spo" or "Black Sheep" to name a few Gustavo until the public spoke in words that never tired of repeating throughout the show: "Thank you for tonight, without you we would not be here, you know that fight a lot and this laburo today is pure. "
After affirming that "we thought that this place could be great, but here we are and see what they are crazy," the band did something that is to rescue and many bands are where they are by the people, they forget or do not care: Gustavo and read Ivan which approached him to slip his hands and thereby named bands, dates, thanks .. and that 1 second was not too because they were about 10 minutes doing that!
Among words of thanks, people jumping, dancing, singing and other choirs, the show went on with the track and sounded so "Sunrise", "Strings", "Walk" Insane Carnival "," Tulul " "Even the madness" and "Inevitable Addiction" theme that went into the break with the score largely in his favor.
return to hear what was said about the acquittal of street and

Without any further preamble, the outcome of the show was responsible for " No miracle", "Palo and bag", "Ghost Town" and "Debate" . So to join in the middle of the stage to hug and stooping in agradeciemiento signal to everyone that night made it known that a 1 Second Too when it is feeling.
Thanks Cristian Grimoldi, Press 1 second is too
1 Second Too at The End - 22/08/2009