Bruges Death
For many years the Halloween or Halloween has been eroding 'm the beautiful tradition ICANA mex Day of the Dead.
However, away from all the business environment and celebration crude enclosing the Anglo-Saxon, the concept of witches has also laid ra ICES ra nuestas culture although this is due to other causes .
for Mexico year the term witch is very broad, encompassing from witchcraft, magic work, clean it by m odic quantity are sometimes done by charlatans.
Without rg pregnant I will only refer to those strange and mysterious creatures that have graced numerous terror generations and forced to remain in their homes in fear of being taken by these women.
According found there, the word witch has a European origin and etymologically derived from the Iberian "bruixa" or also allego g 'bruxa', but this concept is handled in many cultures, which will post a bit in the following posts.
Although I do not believe in these beings, I became inter esante know more. Particularly in Mexico, as l stories about witches are many and varied, and far from the image of a woman with a hooked nose dressed in black suit and pointed hat flying on a broomstick.
much remember those stories I had in my childhood, where he recounted the terrible witch who lived l to Chalma Sanctuary area and were seen by the pilgrims as balls of fire rolling down the top of the hills.
According to belief, the main victims of these witches were pregnant women and children especially newborns.
Many visitors to the shrine and slept in the place, they usually put pins in the form of cross on kids' clothes while they sleep, or sometimes used or nas put scissors as a cross, believing that it prevents the witches arrive is l suck blood.
even believed that witches, has a single tooth with making a wound in the infant to suck the blood and sometimes even their lives.
The appearances of witches are many in different parts of the country, but there is a particular community in the State of Mexico that it is even known as The Village Halloween.
There is
in San Juan Zitlaltepec, located on the shores of Lake Zumpango, witches appeared in the form of fireballs and jumping and dancing n sde tip of the hills and down to the island in the lagoon without touching the water and there was said to have made their rites.
The villagers say that these women also became a kind of vulture lurked in the treetops near the homes of infants or children who had not been baptized.
According to traditions of some people to detect a witch was to go to the house where the suspect lived. The visit should be at midnight that's when she was away, and if u not see your feet beside the bed, but she did, she was a witch.
Once detected, the inhabitants of the community Village expelling stones.
also had the idea that another way to protect a witch, was to paint the sign of the cross with salt and n the inside of the housing, as well this could be no enter.
Stories are once witch sits on the cup a tree that is dried to three days.
Although most often thought that witches are only children, also believed that men are prey to these women.
traditionally associated the image of an old woman witch, ugly and especially unpleasant, but it was believed that its power was to be able to modify their appearance at will show as a young beautiful and desirable. The witch would use this appearance to seduce men and bring them to perdition.
There are stories of young adults or who were pregnant with the beauty of these beings, guided by lust disappeared in the woods or the waters of a lake.
in Mexico is now prevailing myth, oral tradition speaks of witches who suck the blood, is common to hear the words "it sucked witch" when a person is doing poorly, sick or just lost and thought the worst.