Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
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love you to death ... a trite phrase for many, but is a way of expressing love for a person to profess to the other. But there is much behind these seemingly innocuous words.
Many of us want to love that special person, to that which makes us sigh, for which whole nights think and plan a happy ending to his side, but how much we are willing to love?
Some say they come to love to madness, love to death, love to death ... or a sentence there says, "Kill for your love."
What happens when it comes to be fulfilled in a text? Love becomes tragedy.
Maybe some love reaches its climax with the death, as the story of Romeo and Juliet, one of the finest works of Shakespeare, but generally this is a mere utopia.
A love suicide could be considered something poetic, but from words to facts is a big difference.
if u remember a A woman, who was disappointed by the love of a man, he took his life in a very "romantic." The woman got a sexy set of lingerie with lace and then to swallow a fistful of barbiturates, he lay on the bed carefully decorated to find her beloved dead in this position: The result was not expected, women, poisoned, impulsively suffered from seizures, his body rejecting the poison began to vomit along with the remains of pills left over food and drink. The makeup and hair of the lady were disastrous. To conclude, once dead, his body relaxed sphincter, so that befell other problems in the planned table of women expected.
the end, the body was found several days later when he began to come into decay and the table saw was not nothing romantic. However
suicide is perhaps the least serious of the outcome of a heartbreak.
When love is really so great that you get to turn into an obsession, things may be even more serious.
A man or a woman blinded by jealousy, disappointment or unrequited love, get to do things that would never leave in a fairy tale.
According to some crim inal , passion killings are often the most violent and are those that are committed under great emotional stress, bouts of jealousy or feel resentful.
When a man comes to kill her woman because she left him, the fact is often described as machismo and violence, though it would be nice to know the tension, despair and pain that led to that individual to commit such a felony. Without getting into an argument, I doubt that a simple defense of their honor as men took him to kill a woman and sometimes even suicide.
The same applies to women, because there are cases where mothers before resorting to suicide, they decided to kill their children ... all for love.
Loves can get to write wonderful stories, but also can become a terrible detective story.
How can be larger that love to have such dire outcomes?
How much you love her? How much madness or death?
Not everyone loved and lived happily ever after.